My Resolution Thoughts


New year’s resolutions are rarely followed through and my resolution is to be more social… whatever that means.

New Years Resolutions

As with every new year, most of us have something we would like to improve about ourselves, usually along the lines of “loose 5kg” or “learn french” or something lofty like that…

I think I heard on the Not Overthinking podcast that setting specific targets could be problematic if you want to achieve a goal, as they are too large for us to see immediate results so eventually, after a week or two our brains tell us any excuse to skip one day, then that day turns in to three days and eventually, you forgot that you even had a goal.

My Resolution

So this year I’m keeping it real simple, my new year’s resolution this year is to be more social.🤔
Now I know what your thinking: What about Coronavirus fam, how are going to be more social?

Well, for now, I guess I’m just going to reach out to friends more via the internet but later this year I really just want to meet new people and old friends just because.

This is probably a byproduct of a whole year of basically not seeing anyone but I also feel like I’m changing slightly as a person, whereas in the past I might have shied away from such occasions, now I want to be social.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this but oh well


Happy new year!🎉 Here’s to a better year than 2020