My First Blog Post?
I was inspired to make this blog website because of Zoella.
A little background.
Over Christmas, I have been looking for a project or something I can build in ReactJS,
a couple of days ago I saw my girlfriend looking at Zoella’s blog, instantly an idea had sparked… why don’t I build my own blog? I mean I want to write more as its something I rarely do, plus it’ll allow me to use/learn several technologies. for example
I was inspired by the design of the Zoella blog but I wanted to make something more minimalistic as I found the vibe of the site a little busy.
Before jumping into the coding I made a quick design in Adobe XD to guide my design decisions.
So that’s roughly why and how I started this, hopefully, future posts will be a little more interesting…
I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to blog about, however, I can say it’ll be anything from shower thoughts to geeking out about tech; I don’t want a single theme…